🩷SEEALLADS🩷 🩷Not all shown here 🩷 🩷 Added 3 brand new Uggs was 400.00 takes all SEEALLADS Black new Goldenstar Uggs and new Sand Uggs here asking 150 each or 2 for 225 now as of March 4 It’s massive Now leave out furniture items and get it all for Only 200!!! 💖like new DeX Maxi Boho pocket Dress 💖like new navy light Organic cotton wrap 💖New Eddy Bauer 💖Like new Ugg Goldenstar Uggs 3 one on hold 💖Barely used solid silver wrist chain 💖new Black leather boots It’s a ruthless purge of things that are not used or neglected and I’m just wanted a tiny fraction of the money spent A huge savings on your side with this CRAZY clear out SEEALLADS for more goodies Basil was supposed to sell today but people weren’t able to Minus Basil Birkenstocks Earrings Wallflower Joseph seibel 4 chunky knits Bike haul New Reiker bag Fashion Footwear Furniture Solid silver Home decor Bedding Bike Haul UNAVAILABLE And more SEEALLADS NOT ALL SHOW!!! New Cest moi cable knit cardi wide velvet pants Pin stripe linen suit Floral 3 piece linen suit Fake suede and fur cool vest Grey plaid Shacket with actual pockets New Dex maxi boho pocket dress Navy organic cotton wrap light weight spring layer Lilac cut out dress Sage green pullover New Hudson’s Bay peplum puffy shoulder top Go halfers on this one and grab an even sweater deal or sell an item or two and offset the cost Lots of new items that make this so worth it! Adding a new pile of pictures of more added soon!💖 Uggs 150 each or 225 takes two one chestnut one set for pick up